I was suffering from an extremely intense and highly painful version of sciatica. For a full year I tried chiropractic, acupuncture, Rolfing, B12 shots, massage therapy, and two other craniosacral practitioners. Health and healing finally came in the form of Brinda. It took time and commitment to deal with all of the aspects that were causing the sciatica, meaning the emotional and physical realities. Yes, both of us work together, but I believe it was the strength of Brinda's ability to heal that helped me turn the corner back to health and well-being.
– Gigi Mills, artist, Santa Fe, NM
Brinda is a gifted healer. I was initially suspicious of craniosacral therapy as a modality but have since become a believer. I've seen significant positive change as it relates to the original condition (fibroids) for which I sought therapy. Moreover, I have experienced unexpected and overwhelmingly positive transformation in my wellness, relationships, and creative work as a direct result of the clarity, clearing, and opening this therapy and Brinda afforded me.
– Naomi Jackson, author, Star Side of Bird Hill, Brooklyn, NY
I started seeing Brinda in search of relief from chronic physical pain. Within the first few minutes of my first session, I felt unnamable, almost intangible shifts in my heart and mind. If medicine is an art, then what Brinda does would best be described as magic. She has shined a light on the power I already had and given me actionable instruction on how to wield it. After five sessions my pain has subsided and my life, and how I view myself, has opened up indescribably.
– Mel Shimkovitz, actor/writer, Los Angeles, CA
As I try to write a testimonial about Brinda's work, I seem to be limited by language. Thinking back on the sessions we've worked through together, I remember leaving each time, feeling my depth, sensing the large awe of this world, and understanding clearly my place and responsibilities in it. My body and soul understood something deeper than my "thinking" mind and after the sessions, my work was to get out of my own way. Brinda is truly an extraordinary healer. I can't say enough.
– Trent Edwards, artist, Santa Fe, NM